Sunday, April 24, 2011

Synaptic Sky

Lightning over West Treeline in NE Denton County TX
2011APR23 • 8:43PM


C.J. said...

Awesome, I live in Arlington, and we got to see some of that.

Arvin Hill said...

This was taken from my back porch. I was exhausted from installing a fence at my parents' house Friday & Saturday but couldn't resist the temptation since most of the rain was also west, making conditions ideal. Snagged a couple of others (out of sixty), but they pale in comparison to this one. As you know, it hasn't let up much, but now that the clouds are so low, a lot of the strikes are obscured.

I've had dozens of UFO sightings over that treeline, most occurring between mid-2008 and mid-2009. 75%, roughly, were intelligent plasma-type spheres - hovering/floating, non-blinking and, often, interactive. Other types appeared were of the material variety, some during daylight & twilight.

I strongly suspect, if I keep taking lightning shots, something anomalous - meaning, something unlikely to be mistaken for an insect, bird or human-engineered aircraft - will eventually appear in one. And, if not, that's fine, too, as nature offers more than enough rewards to make the effort worthwhile.

We're grateful for whatever rain falls, that's for sure. There's a large grazing pasture on the north side of the house, and after all the fires in North Texas and Oklahoma two years ago, the dry conditions this year - having started so early - are a source of some anxiety.